Mission Green Universe Foundation in Collaboration with Dhanya Ganga Krishi Vigyan Kendra RKMA SargachiMgu Murshidabad West Bengal has successfully organised Drawing Competition On the Auspicious occasion of Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan and over 50 students took part in the competition and each of them has been gifted a fruit tree along with prizes.


Event Name (Topic): Pulinda Tal Saroni(Pulinda Palm tree Plantation)

Date: 22/09/2024

Time: 9.30 p.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Organised by: Mission Green Universe Foundation collaboration DGKVK, RKMA, Sargachi

Patronised by –Murshidabad district Biodiversity Authority

Venue: Pulinda to Nowapara road area

Programme details:

a. Awareness campaign

b. Palm Tree Plantation

c. Discuss about importance and scientific management practices of palm tree


1. Improving air quality: Trees filter harmful pollutants and dust from the air, and produce oxygen

2. Economic, social, and environmental benefits of palmyra palm including food, beverage, fiber, fodder, medicine, and timber. It can help people economically, culturally, socially, religiously, and environmentally.

3. Palm trees, it helps prevent lightning, because palm trees have a thick layer of carbon. As a result, palm trees can absorb the electron-particles of lightning.

4. The palmyra palm can provide livelihood opportunities to rural people and small entrepreneurs.

5. Conservation of natural resources

6. The palmyra palm can help prevent soil erosion and recharge the water table. It can also act as a windbreak and provide shelter to birds, bats, and wild animals.

7. The palmyra palm development mission aims to create awareness about the nutritious value of palm products.


Total participants: 100

Leaflet/pamplat(if any please post)- No

Coordinator: Ardhendu Biswas , Mission Green Universe Foundation,Murshidabad

Associate Coordinator-Dr. Samrat Adhikary, DGKVK, Sargachi, Murshidabad

Dignitaries Present : Md Abdullahil Kafil, Jelaparisad Member, Md Abdullahil Local teacher, Misbaul Sir-Agri-Scientist , Wahidujahhaman Tree planter and others member of MGUF, MSD

Event Details

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