Charter of Mission Green Universe, The Green Philosophy Movement
# Fostering Green Culture that is creating a shared feeling for every element of nature.
# Bringing Universal Peace through Plantation, Protection and Purification of this planet.
# Making “Plantation and gifting plant” a practice of life.
# Making Environment Movement as the foundation of all revolutions.
# Protecting Nature and all its elements.
# Creating a culture of preserving seeds of native plants.
# Promoting the Concept of Universal Brotherhood enshrined by trees while offering air without any discrimination of caste, creed , colour and culture.
# Promoting Research on nature, nature’s philosophy and relationship of humanity with nature.
# Encouraging reduce, recycle and reuse .
# Creating Sustainable or Green Professional opportunities to reduce the rising unemployment and ensuring better planet.
# Creating platforms for learning in direct contact with nature.
# Standing by this planet and its people with anything that time and space demands.
# Creating awareness among the generation about the sustainable coexistence all theelements of nature and planets of this universe.
# Focusing in creating a sustainable young universal community.
# Creating awareness about the impact of nature on mental health.
# Community development with special emphasis on the women empowerment.
# Growing a Universally Free Plant Nursery.
Creating A Sustainable Global Generation with the harmony of Plant, People and Peaceand arousing a shared feeling for nature with the view to ensure the better future of this Universe.